Notes from the Lodge Administrator, July 2024

Hello everyone!

Summer is here and we are in June already.

I want to first off thank all of you that came and celebrated Mother’s Day and Father’s Day with us. It was nice to see everyone getting back into the swing of things within the past four years.

I’m hoping to see new faces at our upcoming fundraiser events as well as our weekly dinners.

Many of you hopefully have gotten used to our new card key readers. Like anything else we have to work out the little bugs, before getting it to work properly for everyone. I just want to thank you all for your patience during this upgrade for security to our new doors upstairs and the front door.

I would also like to mention that we have a new bartender on Tuesday nights her name is Tina and she will also be providing tacos for Taco Tuesday, for now it will be on the second and 4th Tuesday of the month. Come on in and bring your appetite with you.

I would like to remind you all PLEASE keep yourselves in good standing with your Membership Dues, remember it’s a yearly donation for our Kids at Mooseheart and our Seniors at Moosehaven plus our own community.

Remember these newsletters are where you are going to find all the information for events and more so please read your newsletter, Michelle Lavorini puts a lot of work and time into providing the information of everything we do plus our calendars of upcoming events.

I will see you around the lodge.

THANK YOU to all the volunteers for all your hard work and dedication to keep our lodge strong.

That’s what being a Moose is all about.

Tony Miranda