Hello Brothers and Co Workers,
As you’re reading this letter it will already be January 2021.
So, I sincerely hope your Christmas season was full of joy and happiness and the hopes for the new year will be far better than the last. Without saying 2020 tested us all in ways we didn’t expect. It also taught us some lessons that we should never forget. But now we can all have a collective sigh of relief that 2020 has FINALLY past. And as we can now see light at the end of this tunnel with the vaccines that will be reaching us soon. I say that alone calls for one big “Happy New Year!”
Looking forward, as you know we are still closed until restrictions are lifted and cases start to decline. Until then we must remain patient and continue all the good personal practices we have been doing to stay safe for what I pray is the last home stretch. At the lodge we will continue to be prepared for the day we can reopen and enjoy our lodge. I would like to thank our current board of officers, both women and men for their dedication to keep things running smoothly and following COVID protocols at the lodge and keeping everyone informed and as safe as possible. A big thank you to our Governor Leonard and his crews for being on top of this from day one.
This brings me to the need to share the realities of what this pandemic has brought to the lodge. And what it will take to recover from being shut down so long. We were fortunate that coming into it we were in good financial shape. At that time we were firing on all cylinders with lodge activities signing new members and a very successful Thursday and Friday family dinner nights. Also a public BINGO game twice a month that brought in proceeds that we were able to give right back to the community. All that came to a screeching halt in March 2020. Unfortunately the monthly bills did not. I know we are all dealing with this on some level. But I do need you to know that we cannot sustain this much longer without your help. Plain and simple we need your participation NOW! The lodge needs everyone to do something to participate. Whether large or small. If everyone did something we will be way ahead of the game instead of waiting until we are able to reopen. Some simple ideas are first make sure you dues are current, sign up a new member, make a direct donation to the lodge for obligations and lodge improvements. (these improvements can only be done if funds are donated), or simply call in your dinner order prior Thursday and enjoy our famous steak dinners. We will also be adding two Fridays a month in January until we reopen. All meals are to go.
We will open again sometime soon. We all want to get back to our normal lives. So we all must do what it takes to ensure our lodge survives and is there for us enjoy and serve Mooseheart, Moosehaven and our community. Pacifica Lodge always comes through.
Fraternally Yours
Rich Russitano