Heard someone describe this period we’re through as a pause in our lives, and maybe it’s what a lot of us needed. With all that’s going on in America, with the pandemic, the political and racial tensions, just maybe it’s what we all needed to go though together. I believe if we all come together with positive discussions and empathy towards one another’s differences, only good will come of it.
So take this time to reset and redirect yourself to the causes that are important to you. We all can evolve to a better place and time going forward. This can also apply to your membership in the Moose. Revisit why you joined in the first place. What we stand for. Why it’s important to care for children in need at Mooseheart, comfort to our seniors at Moosehaven and of course our local community. Understand that by paying your dues and other donations, you are making a difference in other’s lives.
Make your Do Over count!
See you at the lodge!
Fraternally Yours
Rich Russitano