Hello everyone!
Hello everybody, don’t know about you but Spring can’t get here soon enough. I must be getting old because the cold weather this win- ter has been brutal. Enough is Enough! Time to warm it up.
With the anticipation of warmer and brighter days ahead at the lodge we are looking forward to a new beginning. We will be looking for- ward to welcoming new leadership here at Pacifica 1944. The upcoming election campaign season is upon us, and we are looking for help to continue our legacy of giving back and serving Moose Heart and Moose Haven and our community. We are in need of new energy with new ideas to continue and grow our mission.
You all have shown interest in our lodge through your membership by signing new members into our lodge that has grown to now over 1000 members. Something we can all be proud of. We have not seen an uptick in membership like this in many years. So, it goes without saying that we need a lot more help to service everyone’s needs as they frequent the lodge. So please if you are at all interested in helping, now is the time. You will see a signup board displayed on the stage for anyone male or female to join the board of officers for the upcoming 23-24 campaign. Or please contact me at the lodge.
It was about a year ago when I first mentioned Deb and I are preparing to retire. Well, we are a lot closer to that reality. We have already relocated and that means I will also be retiring as the Administrator of the lodge as of May 1st, 2023. This year’s board and I have been preparing for my retirement all year and are still in need of a permanent replacement to fill that chair.
As awkward as is sounds after 13 years I will not be the Administrator. So much has happened over that time. Our lodge has done very well because of the time and dedication by many, many volunteers and board members that have unselfishly donated their time. That’s why I have no doubt this will continue to do so without me. But as previously stated help is needed.
It goes without saying I owe a debt of gratitude to many people that have helped me personally along the way to help make the lodge a better place and that’s most of you reading this. It’s been my absolute pleaser to serve you all. I truly have received more from this experi- ence than I have given. I Will continue to help in any way I can in the future. Pacifica lodge will always be my home.
Please continue to participate and support our new administration’s programs going forward. And I will see you at the lodge.
Please come join us at the lodge.
That’s what being a Moose is all about Folks!
Fraternally Yours,
Rich Russitano Sr.