Our next Enrollment Dinner is Tuesday July 25th at 6:00 pm.
You will be contacted by the Lodge for an RSVP.
Alyssa Barajas | Sonia Kouerinis | Aandi Pinkham |
Joie Beck | Kim Lerohl | Isabel Sanders |
Michael Bravo | Simone Louis | Chris Scott |
Home of Moose Lodge #1944 and Women Of The Moose #1595
Welcome to our new members!
Our next Enrollment Dinner is Tuesday July 25th at 6:00 pm.
You will be contacted by the Lodge for an RSVP.
Alyssa Barajas | Sonia Kouerinis | Aandi Pinkham |
Joie Beck | Kim Lerohl | Isabel Sanders |
Michael Bravo | Simone Louis | Chris Scott |
Our next Enrollment Dinner is March 28th at 6:00 pm.
You will be contacted by the Lodge for an RSVP.
Shauna Baughman | Harold Lawrence | William Rodriguez |
Mary Bier | Stefan Mayo | Sibyl Spriggs |
Michael Burst | Michelle Montgomery | Raina Thomas |
Cynthia Carrasco |
Our next Get Acquainted and Welcome Dinner is January 24th at 6:00 pm.
You will be contacted by the Lodge for an RSVP.
Lulu Alarcon | Natalia Hernandez | Paul Osborne |
Erika Alvarez | Teresa Hutcheon | Numer Paraiso |
Kristina Anderson | Dennis Mallon |
Our next Get Acquainted and Welcome Dinner is yet to be scheduled.
You will be contacted by the Lodge for an RSVP.
Cheryl Anderson | Paul Martini | Jennifer Robbins |
Jennifer Burns | Kimberly Mattias | Benjamin Samson |
Katy Glynn | Charlis Michielson | Thurman Spicer |
Our next Get Acquainted and Welcome Dinner is Tuesday, September 27 at 6:00 pm.
You will be contacted by the Lodge for an RSVP.
Robert Beckmeyer | Angela Howatt | Cliff Wilkerson |
Beatriz Caudillo-Soria | Ruben Lee | Eileen Wilkerson |
Frank De Levi |
Our next Get Acquainted and Welcome Dinner is Tuesday, July 26th at 6:00 pm.
You will be contacted by the Lodge for an RSVP.
Francis Asence | Robert Slater | Travis Avila |
Janice Taddei | Sean Moriarty | Aaron Turley |
Jenny Keosaat | Sha |
Our next Get Acquainted and Welcome Dinner is Tuesday, May 24th at 6:00 pm.
You will be contacted by the Lodge for an RSVP.
Tony Acquarelli | Elizabeth Batausa | Steve Sarnecky |
Daniel Hillman | Joseph Diaz | Ben Brandt |
Matthew Kotovsky | Sean Dugan |
Our next Get Acquainted and Welcome Dinner is Tuesday, March 22nd at 6:00 pm.
You will be contacted by the Lodge for an RSVP.
Garrison Ash | Jeff Gladieux | Justin Nelson |
Michelle Ash | Sharon Gladieux | Serena Nitta |
Donovan Ash | Jessica Hawkins |
Our next Get Acquainted and Welcome Dinner is Tuesday, January 25th at 6:00 pm.
You will be contacted by the Lodge for an RSVP.
Audrey Anderson | Joseph Lancaster | Jacquelyn Serrano |
James Boyer | Dee Leang | Robert Serrano |
Tori Burke | Kevin Lee |
Our next Get Acquainted and Welcome Dinner is Tuesday, December 28th at 6:00 pm.
You will be contacted by the Lodge for an RSVP.
Branden Barnes | Robert Dickow |
Paul Bruemmer | Daniel Erickson |
Geoffrey Booth | Robert Gonzalez |
John Boulland | Billy Kerns |