Letter from the President, January 2022

Howdy to all the Pacifica One Moose Lodge Members,


That’s right, 2022 is here. See you later 2021!

My wish is that we do not have a repeat of the last couple of years. Unfortunately, we have gone backwards with COVID-19. Until further notice, everyone is required to wear a mask while at the Lodge. Help us comply with this rule.

What an exciting time to be a member of the Pacifica Moose Lodge 1944.

As we move forward into 2022 so many magnificent events are being planned, but to have this many events at the Lodge, we need volunteers.

Kitchen help, Cooks, Bartenders, clean up. You ask: why should I? The simple answer is to keep the Lodge open so everyone can enjoy, and you will meet many great members. Please consider being a volunteer!

It looks like or I am hoping that the Queen of Hearts is getting closer to starting up again. Let’s hope!

We have done so much in 2021, but I know we can do more. Membership is key to the success of the Lodge, so remember to invite a friend or family member to join the Moose. Did you know that we are the largest Moose Lodge in District 10? We are over 900 members strong! I like to thank all the Volunteers and every one of our members for supporting and working to make the Pacifica Moose Lodge shine. Next time you’re at the Lodge, extend a hand to our volunteers, or better yet offer to buy them a beverage. I am going to repeat myself: we need volunteers!

I would like to ask each one of you if you have the time or the knowledge to chair an event or help plan an outing. We need your help in the kitchen, a duty officer, lodge clean up and gardening. Once we start up with Queen of Hearts we will need more Bartenders, so Volunteer!

Let us embrace the new ONE MOOSE. I am honored to serve as the President for the Pacifica Moose Lodge 1944. I hope that you will volunteer to serve on a committee, or if you have ideas for an event please let me know. Your involvement will make us stronger. Membership is key to our success. If your dues are going to expire, please renew your membership. Our Lodge is only as strong as our membership.

Being a Moose is an honor and privilege to serve our community. This year we are ONE MOOSE, ONE AND FUN!

Fraternally Yours
Leonard Iniguez
One and Fun!!!