From the Senior Regent, March 2023

To my Brothers and Sisters,

Spring is Coming…

My term as Sr. Regent is coming to an end. This is my last column. It has been a pleasure to serve as Sr. Regent. I want to thank the other members of this present Board of Officers for their support and help. Thank you Cynthia Ussery (Treasurer), Chris Giglotti (Secretary) and Ellie Tippet (Jr. Past Regent). Thank you to our chairpersons: Gena Myers, Angela Wills, Audrey Nauer-Allen and Jeanette Tevis Dancy. Thank you all.

Save the date: April 22 is the Chapter installation of officers. Moose installation will follow. March 21 the chapter will be voting for the chapter’s 2023-2024 officers. The Nominating Committee announced at the February meeting the slate of nominees:

Sr. Regent—Christ Giglotti
Secretary—Betsy Bancroft
Treasurer—Cynthia Ussery

Members are requested to attend the March meeting and vote for the new Board of Officers.

April is full of Chapter events: Bunco Night, Children’s Easter Party and Installation are just a few of the Chapter happenings.

The February Bunco Night was so much fun we are doing it again, tentatively set for April 16. Cost will be $20 plus an appetizer to share. Watch Facebook for confirmed date and times. Sign up in the Event Binder.

Also in April is the Children’s Easter Party and Hunt. On Saturday, April 8th the party will begin at 11 AM with Easter Activities. Lunch will be served at 11:45 AM followed by the outside Easter egg hunt. Members can sign up their children or grandchildren 12 Years and under in the Event Binder. Members are needed to help at the party.

See you at the March 21 chapter meeting.

In Faith, Hope and Charity

Peggy Ussery
Senior Regent 2022-2023