Greetings All:
Wow, I cannot believe this year has flown by! I am super grateful for and proud of our Pacifica Chapter 1595 for showing up and showing out! When called, you all came running! Thanks for the love and continued support! Let us keep this energy going!
Thank you to the Lodge Board for keeping us updated on important dates and times! Thank you for inviting us to partake in the ritual of New Member Orientation! Thank you for always, always supporting and helping with our events! Your tireless efforts are appreciated! Kudos to you!
To the Legionnaires and Fellows, thank you for your love and support! You are always there to lend a hand in setting up for my special meetings and events. Plus, thank you for those random nights of fellowship where we raise money for the kids, just because! You guys rock!
Thank you to my Chairmans, Guide, and volunteers for your fundraising ideas and efforts! We were able to fulfill our fundraising goals and continue our endowment fund efforts. Keep up the great work ladies!
I was blessed with the hardest working Board! Man, they surely kept me on my toes and made sure we crossed all of our T’s and dotted the I’s! I don’t think I could have survived this year without them! Those board meetings at Kenny’s were the yummiest and best ever! I didn’t realize how much a happy tummy equaled productivity! Thank you for the love, the laughs, the tears and just all around great friendships! Bravo!
In the beginning, I was truly worried about our chapter! I was unsure that we were going to continue. Rumor mill and the uncertainty of the merge to One Moose was confusing and chaotic. I pledged to serve as Senior Regent a second time to bring us women back together! I wanted to add some positivity to a dimming light! To my surprise, we had such a tremendous year! Our light wasn’t dimming or fading at all, we just needed a different boost of energy! When I was SR the first time, the campaign was “Back to Basics” and I think that’s what we needed! We started communicating more about who we are, what we’re about and what we were aiming to do for us, our lodge and our community! We participated more in lodge events, we were present at District Socials, we reached out and supported our sisters of San Jose Chapter, we shared ideas and encouraged one another, we gained more chapter members through our district and we are creating more Moose memories and having fun again! I am proud to have served again! Thank you to all who are part my journey! It’s so much better with friends!
I wish you all the best. Kind regards, I hope to see you at the lodge sometime.
In Faith, Hope and Charity
Audrey Nauer-Allen
Senior Regent