Hello Co-Workers,
My name is Cynthia Ussery, I will be your new Sr Regent for the 2019-2020 year. I have been a member for the past 13 years and am very active in the lodge. I help in scheduling our teens that volunteer on Thursday and Friday night dinners. I also help out with our Bingo Sundays.
This coming year The Women of the Moose along with the Loyal Order and the Legion will be working on bringing some fun events and activities to the lodge. Be sure to keep an eye out for upcoming stuff.
I would like to encourage all the CoWorkers to attend our monthly general meetings, this is where you can find out about upcoming stuff, and if you have any ideas we are always here to listen. Our meetings are the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7pm.
See you at the lodge.
Cynthia Ussery
Sr Regent 2019-2020